Five good habits that will strengthen your heart

Shaheed Notes
2 min readApr 21, 2022

In my previous article, where I explained the five warning signs when someone is at risk of a heart attack. That day and today, viewers are constantly asking about the management of heart problems. Here in this piece, you will get your absolute response. Short and easy.!

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Eat a real breakfast

Skipping the first meal of the day is not trivial. Nutritionists from Harvard University (USA) have indeed calculated that the number of heart attacks was 27% higher in those who did not eat breakfast. Advanced explanation: the absence of a morning meal would lead to higher calorie consumption during other meals. It would also rhyme with another bad habit that increases the risk of heart attack by 55%: snacking late at night.

Brush your teeth well

Oral hygiene is essential. To keep a nice smile, of course, but, we know less, to prevent cardiovascular disease. An American study has just shown it: without brushing, dental plaque accumulates, the gums become fragile and the resulting bleeding causes bacteria from the mouth to pass into the blood where they will contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Get married

Like any physical activity, when you marry, the sexual act solicits the heart muscle. It activates arterial and venous circulation, tones the heart, and releases relaxing hormones. Having at least two sexual intercourse per week reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 45% compared to those who have only one per month! Not to mention the cascade of beneficial effects that also influence heart health (improved sleep, reduced stress, etc.)

Stop smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable cardiovascular death. “A consumption of 3 to 4 cigarettes per day multiplies by 3 the relative risk of cardiovascular accident”, summarizes the French Federation of Cardiology. Elevated blood pressure and heart rate, poor blood oxygenation, risk of coronary spasm and thrombosis… The good news is that it’s never too late to quit and the effects of stopping tobacco are very fast.

Watch out for salt

We consume a lot of it. About 10 grams per day for men and 8 for women, while the 5-gram mark should not be exceeded. Excess salt, directly linked to high blood pressure, greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is better to have a light hand on the salt shaker but, above all, to hunt for salt hidden in food, which represents 70 to 80% of our consumption: bread, rusks, cold meats, ready meals (pizzas, quiches, etc.), preserves, industrial sauces, etc.



Shaheed Notes

I'm Shaheed Ullah, a healthcare professional and love to write content regarding health, nutrition, technology, and my diary. vitsit: