Five warning signs that you are at risk of having a heart attack

Shaheed Notes
2 min readApr 13, 2022
Heart Attack — Photo by Shaheed Notes

There are thousands of signs that can be associated with a heart attack and other ischemic heart diseases, but five of the most common and easy-to-identify signs of a possible heart attack are listed below.

Physical weakness:

A feeling of physical weakness can also be a warning sign of a heart attack. This sensation indicates that the arteries are constricting and narrowing, which causes slower blood flow and weakened muscles.

Dizziness and cold sweats:

When we feel dizzy, we usually associate it with fatigue. But when it is accompanied by nausea, migraines, or cold sweats it can be a sign of serious illness. Due to poor blood circulation, the brain does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs to function properly. It is, therefore, necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Pressure on the chest:

Pain or pressure in the chest or middle of the chest are signs of a heart attack. These pains can increase suddenly and spread to the throat, jaws, shoulder, and left arm. These pains are associated with insufficient or stoppage of blood flow to an organ.


Fatigue may seem normal after physical exertion or a lack of sleep. But when it occurs for no reason, it can be the result of decreased blood flow to the heart. If this fatigue is accompanied by inexplicable insomnia, it is important to see a doctor.

Shortness of breath:

If after even the slightest effort you feel shortness of breath that gets worse, this could be a sign of a heart problem. Poor blood circulation can also lead to a change in how the lungs work. When they don’t get enough oxygen, they can’t inhale the amount of air they need. Consult soon if this sign is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain or swelling of the legs.



Shaheed Notes

I'm Shaheed Ullah, a healthcare professional and love to write content regarding health, nutrition, technology, and my diary. vitsit: